
Who we are
Who we are
The agency of public relations which recognizes public opinion as one of the main factors when aiming for success. We‘ve been operating as an agency for ten years now, but the experience of our people in this field reaches up to sixteen. The gained knowledge shaped a very clear view and approach towards the influence of one‘s opinion.
We understand how important initiative is. Opinions may differ. It is crucial to recognize that only a positive one (of a society as a potential client, decision makers that possess certain powers) can determin smooth and effective development of a process. We‘ve been involved with projects from both – private and public – sectors. Therefore, we know essential differences and similarities between them. This would lead us to more effective choices of methods and techniques applied.
What we do
What we do
OPINIO services
The competence of Opinio lies in strategic communication and the training in communi-cations, which leads towards acquiring the essential skills for effective company and in-terpersonal communication.
Strategic communication
Strategic planning. It consists of a strategic session as well as analysis of needs and the selection of the most appropriate methods. The duration of strategic session is 2-4 hours, which involves key people in company’s decision making. A strategic public re-lations and marketing tools plan is arranged after assessing the insights obtained during strategic session.
These communication tools are for:
- Increasing the company and product awareness
- Shaping a positive image of the personnel
- Creating an expert image of the company leaders
- Helping to avoid negative information and effectively communicate when crisis hits

We offer
Communication on social media such as Facebook, Linkedin ir Instagram
- Analysis of existing social accounts and preparation of the plan.
- Preparation of material (texts, photos and videos), promotion and administration.
- Projecting expert communication on social media.
- Researching the communication of competitors.
Public relations in media
- Preparation and distribution of public press releases.
- Article initiation (generating current trends and updates as well as co-working with the press in order to make articles as accessible as possible to the client).
- Preparation and administration of commercial articles.
- Press conferences.
Reputation management
- Analysis of personal reputation (research, social media and other public information available).
- Reputation management plan and strategic actions.
- Neutralisation of negative information and crisis communication (if relevant).
Crisis communication
- The impact of a moment when crisis occurs.
- Long-term actions to neutralise the consequences of crisis.
- Crisis prevention programme.
- Preparing people for communication in crisis.
Introduced events
- Presentations
- Seminars and conferences
- Appealing methods for the immersion of society (introducing services, products and projects in public spaces).
Political communication
- Effective communication of current politicians when aiming to gain the voters’ trust.
- Election communication. Strategy, foreseen actions, implementation of communica-tion tools.
- Communication in political crisis.
Training for business
Planning, preparation of effective content and administration.
How and When communicate with the press. Common mistakes and stories of success.
What, How and When needs to be informed internally so that to retain effective horizon-tal and vertical communication among the leaders and the rest of personnel. The crea-tion of company traditions and cooperative culture. How internal communication affects company’s reputation.
Company image and its effect on employee’s loyalty and recruitment process.
Internal and external skills, expert communication.
There has been 1000 people who have already attended our training programmes in the last 5 years.

Exclusivity of OPINIO
Strateginiai sprendimai ir efektyvus veiksmų planavimas
- Komandai.
- Įmonei.
- Lyderiui.
- Produktui.
Komunikacijos auditas
- Tiksli jūsų vykdytų veiksmų analizė.
- Sėkmės ir klaidų priežasčių analizė.
- Palankiausios krypties ir veiksmų pateikimas.
„Self-branding’as“ ir nuomonės lyderystės komunikacija
- Krizių prevencija. Ką daryti, kad nekiltų.
- Įmonės krizių valdymas. Rolės, veiksmai, atstovavimas.
- Asmeninių krizių valdymas. Gyvenimas nesugrius, jeigu veiksime kartu
Efektyvi probleminių projektų ir krizių komunikacijos patirtis
- Individualūs mokymai, kaip geriausia pristatyti save kaip ekspertą. Facebook, Linkedin, rašymas, kalbėjimas. Santykiai, žiniasklaida.
- Vidiniai mokymai – kaip komanda gali padėti vienas kito vertės komunikavimui.
- Nuomonės lyderio formavimas. Nuo žinomo eksperto iki įžymybės
Our clients